Building evacuation
- All persons will leave a building immediately when an alarm sounds and/or upon notification by TRU Security, an emergency warden, other person in authority, or as directed by the on-site coordinator.
- When the building evacuation alarm is activated, leave by the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Take your valuables and close classroom and office doors.
- Treat all alarms as if they are real. Failing to leave a building during an alarm is a serious offence. You may be endangering not only yourself but those who may be looking for you (i.e.,firefighters).
- Never use elevators in cases of fire alarm.
- Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 200 feet (70 metres) away from the affected building in the appropriate marshalling area.
- Keep clear of roadways, exit routes, hydrant areas and walkways used by emergency vehicles and personnel.
- Do not re-enter an evacuated building unless told to do so by an emergency warden, security or the on-site coordinator.
- Unless in imminent danger, do not attempt to carry any injured or disabled person out of a building. Contact the nearest emergency warden and advise them of the problem.
Campus evacuation
- An evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced and coordinated by the on-site coordinator and/or security on order of the president (or designate)
- All persons (faculty, staff and students) are to evacuate the site in question immediately and relocate to another part of the campus grounds or to an off-site area as directed.
Evacuating persons with disabilities
Persons with limited mobility
- On the ground floor level should be assisted in exiting the building through the nearest exit.
- On upper floor levels should be escorted to the nearest fire safe stairwell (refuge area). Someone should remain with them until the fire department comes to undertake the evacuation. Ensure that the nearest Emergency Warden is notified of the presence of any persons with disabilities that are situated in any refuge area.
On upper floor levels should be escorted to the nearest fire safe stairwell (refuge area). Someone should remain with them until the fire department comes to undertake the evacuation. Ensure that the nearest emergency warden is notified of the presence of any persons with disabilities that are situated in any refuge area.
Persons with visual disabilities
Most persons with visual disabilities will be familiar with the immediate area they are located in. In the event of an emergency:
- Tell the person about the nature of the emergency and offer to guide him/her.
- As you walk, tell the person where you are and inform them of any obstacles as you approach them.
- When a safe area is reached, orient the person to where he/she is and ask if further assistance is needed.
- Remain with them until the emergency is over.
Persons with hearing disability
Persons with a hearing disability may not perceive emergency alarms and an alternative warning technique is required. Two methods of warning are:
- Writing a note telling them what the nature of the emergency is and the nearest evacuation route (i.e., “Fire - go out the rear door to the right and down, NOW).
- Turning the light switch off and on again to gain their attention, then indicating through gestures or in writing what is happening and what to do.