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Course Requirements

First Year

BIOL 111/121 or BIOL 111/125/125L

CHEM 110/120 or 111/121 Note: please substitute CHEM 125 for 120 or 121 if you are planning to transfer to UBC after first year.

ENGL 110 and one of ENGL 111 or 121

MATH 114/124 or 115/125

PHYS 110/120 or 115/1251

Second Year

BIOL 213/234

CHEM 212/222

COMP 100 or 113

ENGL 229 or 230

Electives (12 credits)

Third Year

BIOL 313/323*

Electives (24 credits)

*Note: Registration in any upper level science course must be approved by the B.Sc. Advisor.

1 Note that Phys 110/120 is not accepted at all institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the institution to which they plan to apply.

Because of severe competition for admission to Dentistry, it is recommended that students choose courses that will lead to a bachelor degree in Science as an alternate career goal.

Pre-Dental students are advised to consult the UBC Faculty of Dentistry website at . Further information on pre-dental study, including advice on the appropriate choice of electives and transfer to universities other than UBC, may be obtained from the Chairperson.

See Also


Chairperson (Biological Sciences):