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Tuition: See Fees/Payment of Fees (Step 3) section of the calendar.

Books and supplies: Approximately $800/semester.

Special clothing, duplicating, leashes, lockers, AHT of BC meeting, pesticide applicators course, etc.: $450

$16.50 lab/studio fee for courses shown with (L).

Students must be prepared to bear the cost of travel to and residency in areas away from Kamloops as required by such activity as clinical practicums, ranch practicums, AHT of BC meeting and field work experience (ANHT 260). Each of these are mandatory.

Students are also expected to receive rabies immunization, given at no cost once enrolled into the program, unless they are excused by a medical certificate.

See Also

Animal Health Technology Diploma


Two Year Diploma Program Description

Instructional Year

Application Deadline

Admission Requirements

The Application Process

Admission Criteria and Interviews

Failures and Repeats

Course Requirements

Promotion Policy

Completion Requirement

Course Descriptions