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Admission Requirements

  1. B.C. Grade 12 or mature student status
  2. Principles of Math 11 with a C+ or better or B.C. Applications of MATH 12, or MATH 051, or a score of 50th percentile in both the arithmetic and algebra portions of the AccuPlacer or equivalent test
  3. B.C. English 12 (combined with Government exam) with a 73% or better (within the last 5 years); or Level 4 on the Composition Section of the Language Proficiency Index (within the last 2 years); or completion of ENGL 060; or completion of CESL 057 AND 058 with a C+ or better

See Also

Diploma in Management/Certificate in Management


Program Coordinator

Program Description

Competitive Entry Procedure


Course Requirements

Bachelor of Business Administration Laddering

Part-time Students

Course Descriptions