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Failures and Repeats

Failing or withdrawing students should recognize there is no guarantee they will be allowed to repeat. A student who has failed and who re-applies for admission to ECED will be regarded as a repeating student unless he/she can show cause for being treated as a new student.

When the number of repeating student applicants for a course in the program exceeds the number of available seats, the student(s) admitted would be those who achieved the highest cumulative GPA over courses listed in the program matrix. To assess the currency of practical skills, the department may require potential repeating students to repeat courses in which they previously received credit. In order for a student who fails a field work practicum to be eligible for repeating it, the student will need to provide information that confirms his/her readiness to complete the practicum. Students are strongly advised to make their request to repeat a practicum in writing to the program chair, three months in advance of the beginning of the practicum in order to make the necessary arrangements.

All repeated courses and practica must be successfully completed within one calendar year of the exit from the program for the student to qualify for their diploma or certificate.

A student who receives a failing grade in a course for not meeting objectives related to the professional principles or professional conduct, may be refused re-admission to the program.

See Also

Early Childhood Education Diploma

Dean – School of Education



Program Description

Innovative Practica Model


Admission Requirements

Special Needs and Infant/Toddler Certificates

Program Policies: Part time Students

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Promotion Policy

Promotion Policy – Practicum



Course Requirements

Course Descriptions