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Admission Requirements

Educational Requirements:

  1. B.C. Grade 12 or equivalent
  2. B.C. Math 11, Math 051 or equivalent with C+ grade minimum,
  3. B.C. Physics 11, Physics 050 or equivalent,
  4. 67% on the combined English 12 and Government Exam (within the last 5 years),

    or, Level 3 on the composition section of the LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY INDEX (within the last 2 years),

    or, completion of Communications 12 with B grade minimum,

    or, completion of English 060 with C+ grade minimum,

    or, completion of CESL 057 and 058 with C+ (Level 5) or better.

In This Section

Promotion Policy



See Also

Engineering Design and Drafting Technology Diploma

Dean, School of Advanced Technologies and Mathematics


Program Description

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions