Students of Fine Arts at UCC can have the best of two worlds: courses can be counted toward a Diploma and toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or other university degrees at the same time.
The Diploma program consists of two years of core and elective courses, all of which may be taken singly if desired. The holder of a UCC Fine Arts Diploma can enter second or third year of a university or other Bachelor of Fine Arts program. It is recommended that those students wishing to pursue a degree in Fine Arts at UCC or another university enrol for the core curriculum courses of Design, Drawing, and History of Art and also register for an English course.
Students can qualify for the UCC Fine Arts Diploma on completion of 60 credits, 48 of which would be in Fine Art and at least 18 of these credits should be achieved at second or third year level. An overall grade point average of 2.33 is also required for Diploma status. It is required that Diploma students complete all courses in first year Design, first year Drawing, second year Drawing or FINA 387. FINA 111, 121 and ENGL 110 are also required for the Fine Arts Diploma, along with one of ENGL 111, 121 or FINA 150. Electives to complete the required credits may be selected from the other subject areas.
If you are planning towards a BFA or other Arts degree, please consult the Department Chair of the Visual and Performing Arts Department or a UCC Academic Advisor.