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Admission Requirements for Upgrade Program

In addition to the requirements for the Basic program, applicants must provide proof of 500 hours of current employment.

Promotion Policy: The passing grade for each course in the program is 70%. Students must pass each course in order to continue in the program.

Criminal Record Check Information to students in HS/RCA program: You are required to complete a criminal record check (CRC) and submit your CRC report to the Program Coordinator. Please note that you will be requested by the practice agencies to have a criminal record check completed as a requirement for your practice experience in Home Support Agencies. Also note that Home Support Agencies require criminal record checks as a requirement for employment when hiring graduates of the HS/RCA program. Students applying for admission to the program should therefore be aware that if they have a criminal record, they may not be eligible for practice in Home Support Agencies and may not be employable in Home Support. Experience in Home Support Agencies is required for graduation from the HS/RCA program.

See Also

Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Certificate

Dean, Nursing


Basic HS/RCA Program

Commencement and Completion Dates

Admission Requirements for Basic Program

Application Procedure & Sequence

Program Costs (Approximate)

Upgrading (Part-Time) HS/RCA Program

Course Descriptions