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Program Description

The Culinary Arts Upgrading Program is a modularized program, which can be taken both on a full-time or part-time basis. This course is designed for people with experience in the food industry. It provides training in a variety of cooking areas (modules) lasting for a four-week period.

If you wish to upgrade your cooking skills, we can customize a training program which is both flexible in time and skills to meet your needs so that you can continue to work while attending UCC. You may select one or more courses to suit your special needs.

CKUP 250

CORE - A la carte cooking and dining room

CKUP 251

ENTREE - Meat, poultry, seafood and sauce cooking

CKUP 252

VEGETABLE - Vegetables and starch cooking

CKUP 253

MEAT CUTTING - Beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry cutting

CKUP 254

STOCKS/SOUPS - Preparation of stocks and soups

CKUP 255

BAKERY - Yeast goods, quick breads, cookies

CKUP 256

PASTRY - Pies, pastries, cakes, desserts

See Also

Culinary Arts Upgrading

Journeyman Cook Trade Qualification Examination

Starting Dates

Admission Requirements
