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College Prep Courses

Intermediate Level (Grade 10 Equivalency)

EDCP 040

Education and Career Preparation

ENGL 040

Basic Language Skills

COMP 040

Basic Introduction to Computers

MATH 040

Basic Math Skills

SINC 040

Introduction to Science

Advanced Level (Grade 11 Equivalency)

BIOL 050

General Biology

CHEM 050

Foundations of Chemistry I

COMP 050

Introduction to Microcomputers

ENGL 050

Developing Writing Skills

MATH 050

Introduction to Algebra

MATH 051

Algebra 2

PHYS 050

Introduction to Physics

SINC 050

Foundations of Science

STSS 050

Student Success

Provincial Level (Grade 12 Equivalency)

BIOL 060

Human Biology

BIOL 062

Introduction to Life Sciences

BBUS 060

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

CHEM 060

Foundations of Chemistry 2

COMP 060

Introduction to Programming

COMP 065

Introduction to Desktop and WEB publishing

ENGL 060

Literature and Composition

MATH 060

Pre-Calculus I

MATH 061

Pre-Calculus II

PHYS 060

Introduction to Physics II

SOSC 060

Introduction to Social Sciences

Note: Students can take individual courses listed above without pursuing a certificate. These courses may be taken in conjunction with career, technical, trades or university courses.

See Also

College Preparation


Course Descriptions

Certificate Programs in Adult Basic Education - College Prep

College Prep Learning Centre Kamloops (CPLC)