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Men’s Education and Career Alternatives (MECA)

This course is designed for men wishing to establish career goals and to gain a better understanding and awareness of who they are. Extensive inventories of personal abilities, talents, learning styles, communication styles, personal interests, academic ability and aptitudes are experienced. These are weighed against potential and future academic/career exploration and training.

Students participate in a series of holistic, experiential modules using a self-reflective, cooperative learning model. Personal skills are taught, focussing specifically on effective communication, expressing emotions – including anger, human relationships – inter and intra-personal, resolving conflict, reducing stress, enhancing balance in one's life, effective time management, establishing goals and plans of action to complete goals, building self-esteem and confidence, developing critical thinking skills, developing student success skills, enhancing parenting skills, developing healthy self-management strategies and skills.

This program is about personal change and requires strong commitment, both in attendance and in the willingness to work towards regeneration, personal growth, and stated goals. The objective is to have a life-changing experience leading to meaningful employment.

The program runs once in the Fall Session (September) and once in the Winter Session (January).

For further information contact:

Doug Knowles

(250) 371-5538

See Also



Career Orientation and Personal Empowerment (COPE)

Education and Career Planning 101

Student Success 100