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Admission Requirements

College Preparation courses are designed for adults with upgrading needs ranging from the completion of prerequisites to the completion of high school. Students wishing to take courses to complete Grade 12 are encouraged to see our Academic Advisor.

General Requirements

  1. At least 17 years of age and 1 year out of school.
  2. Canadian citizen, landed immigrant or student permit.

    Fundamental And College Preparation Courses

    030 Level: Grades 1-9 Equivalency

    050 Level: Grade 11 Equivalency

    040 Level: Grade 10 Equivalency

    060 Level: Grade 12 Equivalency

    Spring 2004

    Apr – Jun

    Summer 2004

    June – Aug

    Fall 2004

    Sept - Dec

    Winter 2005

    Jan - Apr



    BIOL 050

    BIOL 060



    CHEM 050

    CHEM 060



    COMP 040

    COMP 050



    COMP 050

    COMP 060



    ENGL 030

    ENGL 030



    ENGL 040

    ENGL 040

    ENGL 050


    ENGL 050

    ENGL 050

    ENGL 060


    ENGL 060

    ENGL 060



    FESL 050*

    FESL 050*



    MATH 030*

    MATH 030*



    MATH 040

    MATH 040

    MATH 050

    MATH 051

    MATH 050

    MATH 050




    MATH 051



    MATH 060

    MATH 061



    NAST 050

    NAST 060



    PHYS 050

    PHYS 060



    SOSC 060

    STSS 050

    * Continuous intake

    For more up-to-date information regarding course offerings, please see the Spring/Summer Brochure available in January and the schedule available in May from the Registrar's Office.

See Also

College Preparation (Grades 10-12 Equivalency)


Course Descriptions