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The UCC Calendar

As this Calendar is published a considerable time before the opening of the session, the University College reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including the cancellation of particular courses.

The University College of the Cariboo accepts no responsibility in the event any class or course of instruction is either cancelled or not completed as a result of strikes, lockouts, fire, tempest or acts of God or the Queen's enemies or any other cause (whether similar or dissimilar to those enumerated) beyond the control of The University College of the Cariboo.

The University College reserves the right to change or amend its programmes, fee structure, and regulations at any time from those published in this calendar.

Josh Keller
UCC Public Relations Department

Managing Editor
Ray Pillar
UCC Admissions and Office of the Registrar

Word Processing
Teresa Torchia and Linda Y. McAbee
UCC Office of the Registrar

Cover Photos
UCC Public Relations Department



The Calendar is a publication of the UCC Office of the Registrar. Thanks to Wayside Press for Cover pre-press, output and printing; and Cariboo Press for printing and binding.

Hundreds of hours of work by dozens of people has gone into the production of this calendar in order to make it accurate and useful. If you can't find something, or if you notice an error, please bring it to our attention by returning the "Feedback" form found just after the index to Ray Pillar, Manager of Admissions and Records.

The 2004/2005 UCC Calendar is available at a cost of $3.00 in person at all UCC offices, or by mail at a cost of $5.00 per copy.

Mail orders, send cheque/money order to:

UCC Calendar—Campus Cashier, Finance
Box 3010
Kamloops, B.C.
V2C 5N3

In This Chapter

Schedule of Events—2004/2005