CHEM 212

Organic Chemistry 1 (3,1,3)(L) 3 credits

A study of the compounds of carbon with an emphasis on reaction mechanisms to illustrate the basic principles of organic chemistry. Topics will include structure and bonding, preparations and reactions of the functional groups, and stereochemistry. Biological and biochemical applications will also be discussed. The laboratory will illustrate basic separation, purification and identification techniques. Spectroscopic techniques will be introduced.

Prerequisite: CHEM 110/120 or 111/121 or CHEM 110/125 or CHEM 111/125 (C- minimum)

Note: ECHE 111/ECHE 121 are not prerequisites for second year Chemistry courses. Engineering students who may wish to transfer into a B.Sc. program should meet with their Engineering Advisor and the Chair of the Physical Sciences Department as early as possible.