COMP 124

Visual Basic Computer Programming 2 (3,0,1)(L) 3 credits

This course is a continuation of COMP 114 using Visual Basic.NET and provides a foundation for further studies in computing science. The objectives of this course are to continue developing a disciplined approach to the design, coding and testing of computer programs written in Visual Basic.NET. The course will introduce the concepts of data abstaction, encapsulation and inheritance, as well as the notion of information hiding and objects. There will also be an introduction to more complex data structures, files and databases. The use of a report writer (Crystal Reports) will be covered as well as the management of exceptions in programs and classes. The course will also cover an introduction to the creating of web applications using VB.NET, ADO.NET and ASP.NET. A brief introduction to the understanding of XML and creating web services will also be covered.

Prerequisite: COMP 114 with C- or better