COMP 263

Small Computer Systems: Communication and Networks (3,1,0)(L) 3 credits

Current advances in computer technology are bringing a new dimension to small computer systems networking. The networking of fast, reliable and inexpensive small computer systems is revolutionizing the organization of companies, downsizing applications and is a major new area of employment.

The course introduces the fundamentals of data communication and computer networks. Attention is dedicated to Local Area Networks, their organization, maintenance, and installation. A discussion of information transfer and data communication is followed by an overview of computer networks. Also included is an in-depth discussion of LANs, their design, installation, maintenance, administration, and their updating, as well as issues of data security, data backups and recovery. The course concludes with a discussion of LAN access to Wide and Global computer networks.

The course is supported by a series of hands-on practical workshops and seminars on the design, installation, and administration of typical LAN system.

Prerequisite: COMP 253 or instructor's written consent.