EDTL 310

Teaching and Learning 1 (3,0,0) 3 credits

This course will focus on preparing lesson plans for teaching small groups of children. The course will be integrated with the EDLL 310 (Language and Literacy I) and EDPR 310 (Practicum I), and this will allow for direct links between course topics and classroom practice. Students will have opportunities to implement teaching practices presented in EDTL 310 with small groups of children as part of EDPR 310, with the curriculum content being determined by the EDLL 310 course. For example, students could prepare a lesson plan on teaching new vocabulary in a cooperative group format, teach the lesson in EDPR 310, and then make effective revisions to their teaching based on this experience. The method to teach vocabulary would be generated in EDLL 310, and planning the lesson (including preparing a lesson plan that includes teaching essential group social skills) would be covered in EDTL 310.

Prerequisites: Admission to the UCC Bachelor of Education program.