EDTL 320

Teaching and Learning 2 (3,0,0) 3 credits

This course will focus on preparing unit plans for teaching whole classrooms of children. The course will be integrated with the EDSC (Science), EDSO 320 (Social Studies), EDMA 320 (Mathematics II), and EDPR 320 (Practicum II) courses. This will allow for direct links between course topics and classroom practice. Students will have opportunities to implement teacher practices presented in Teaching and Learning II with whole classrooms of children as part of EDPR 320, with the curriculum content being determined by the EDSC 320, EDMA 320, and EDSO 320 courses. For example, students could prepare a unit on ancient Egypt that includes cultural aspects of pyramids, perspective drawing of pyramids, and geometry. Students could teach more than one lesson in EDPR 320 and then make effective revisions based on their reflections.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Year 1, Term 1.