EDDT 150

Statics and Strength of Materials (5,0,0) 3 credits

This design course is intended to familiarize the student with the concepts of statical equilibrium and strength of materials. The course includes force analysis of trusses and frames, centroids, moments of inertia, and shear force and bending moment diagrams. Students examine the stress and strain effects of axial, torsional, bending and shear forces. Topics include deflections and an introduction to slenderness effects. The emphasis of the course is on problem solving and considerable importance is given to the presentation of calculations in an orderly engineering manner. Upon completion of this course, the student will have an understanding of the principles of statics and strength of materials as applied to basic structural and mechanical design problems.

Prerequisite: MATH 154, PHYS 151

Corequisite: MATH 164, PHYS 161