This course examines structural loads and structural analysis. The intent of the course is to provide the student with the design tools necessary to carry out the structural analysis of a building.
The course includes a review of statics and strength of materials, the graphical design of trusses, arches and cable structures. Statically indeterminate beams are covered using both the method of consistent displacements and the three-moment equation. Statically indeterminate frames are analyzed using moment distribution. Analysis using frame analysis software is also covered.
The student is introduced to Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada and will learn how to obtain the loads that act on building structures.
The emphasis of the course is on problem solving and considerable importance is given to the presentation of calculations in an orderly engineering manner.
Prerequisite: EDDT 150, MATH 154, MATH 164 (OR MATH 114, MATH 124), PHYS 151, PHYS 161