EDDT 260

Building Technology 2 (5,0,3)(L) 3 credits

This course involves the production of advanced level architectural design and working CADD drawings featuring reinforced concrete, masonry, curtain wall, metal stud and structural steel construction.

Topics include: application of architectural design theory; the design process; architectural working drawings; structural steel construction; heavy timber construction; the building envelope; masonry veneer walls; masonry cavity walls; roofing materials and applications; curtain wall systems; stair construction details; ceiling suspension systems; application of B.C. Building Code Part 3 (requirements for use and occupancy, exits and fire safety) and Kamloops Zoning By-law No. 5-1-200.

The project will consist of a set of drawings for a moderate size commercial, institutional or multi-residential building.

Prerequisite: EDDT 160, EDDT 225