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Winter Semester

Academic and Career/Technical Programs

All fees for Academic and Career Technical programs are due and payable on December 3, 2004.

  1. Students will be sent a copy of their winter registration by November 10 and informed that full winter semester fees must be paid by 4:00 pm December 3, 2004.
  2. A fee deferral may be available in accordance with the fee deferral procedure.
  3. If fees are not paid or a deferral or sponsorship arranged by the above deadline, a student's registration will be cancelled and those spaces will be made available to subsequent registrants in the following order of priority.
    1. wait-listed students
    2. new applicants
  4. Academic students who have not paid their full winter semester fees by 4:00 pm December 3, 2004 or arranged a fee deferral or sponsorship and who wish to be reinstated after January 28, 2005 will be assessed a $150.00 reinstatement fee.

    The latest date for reinstatement will be <fee_reinstate_date_final_winter>, 2005

See Also

Programs Assessed Fees on a Per Credit Basis:

Fall Semester

Summer Semester/registration