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Programs Assessed Fees on a Monthly Basis:
  1. Students enrolled in programs of greater than 5 months duration will be initially billed for 4 months and then every 4 months thereafter until the program is completed.
  2. Students enrolled in programs of 5 months or less will be billed for full fees at the time of admission.
  3. For pre-billed programs, tuition must be paid within 21 days or on the first day of class (whichever is earlier) following admission to the program. Fee deferrals are not available for the first term of the program. Should fees not be paid within specified time period, the student's offer of admission will be cancelled and the seat will be offered to the next person on the wait list.

In This Section

Payment methods

See Also

Payment Of Fees (subject to change)

Programs Assessed Fees on a Per Credit Basis: