English 499, the "capstone" requirement for students wishing to complete the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Major, is designed to ensure that all RPW graduates have a solid understanding of (1) the history of English Studies; (2) the scope of contemporary rhetorical and critical theory; (3) research methods (including internet search techniques); (4) the potential job market for English graduates; (5) graduate studies option; (6) resume writing and job interviewing techniques; and (7) oral presentation skills.
Students are advised that, with the permission of the Department Chair, they may fulfill the RPW capstone requirement by presenting and defending a graduating essay (English 498). Please see program description for details.
Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the Rhetoric and Professional Writing program (students enrolled in either of the other two English majors streams may be admitted into English 499, assuming that they have fourth-year standing and assuming that the course has space)