This course will serve as a forum for all of the students enrolled in FINA 411, Directed Studies: Studio, and FINA 412, Gallery Studies: Directed Studies, to meet together with an advisor on a weekly basis. The content of the course will be shaped around two primary activities. Firstly, it will constitute such things as an ongoing consideration of work currently on exhibition at such galleries as those in Kamloops, Calgary, Kelowna and Vancouver and, also, the work of Visiting Artists. Secondly, it will serve as a chance to discuss and critique work and exhibition projects being created by students in the two fourth year directed studies courses. Students will also be presented with the artistic and other research projects of a selection of UCC faculty members.
Prerequisite: 18 third year Fine Arts credits, including either two of: FINA 387, FINA 388, FINA 389, or FINA 390 or FINA 320 and FINA 321
Corequisite: Either FINA 411 or FINA 412