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Admission to College Preparation:

Students who have completed high school to a Canadian Grade 11 level or equivalent may be eligible for the College Preparation Program where they can complete their Grade 12 equivalency and any pre-requisite qualifications to enter their chosen field. Applicants must meet the general admission requirements and must meet the minimum English language requirements for their chosen program. The options are as follows:

  1. Students will write the UCC English Placement Test (EPT) on arrival. UCC does not require a TOEFL score for admission, but English upgrading is required if the score on the UCC EPT indicates it to be necessary.
  2. Students presenting a current official TOEFL score of 500-549 on admission to UCC may choose not to write the UCC English Placement Test. In that case, students will be placed in CESL, Level 4.
  3. Students presenting a current official TOEFL score of 550 to 569 on admission to UCC may choose not to write the UCC English Placement Test. In this case, students will be placed in Level 5 of the CESL Program and must complete CESL 053, CESL 054 and CESL 057 with a grade of C+ (as of Summer 2002 or B- prior to Summer 2002) or higher in order to be admitted to English 110 and/or full-time study in an academic program.
  4. Students presenting a current official TOEFL score of 570 or above will be eligible for direct entry into English 110 and/or full-time study in an academic program.

Please refer to the section in the UCC calendar under English As A Second Language for full program details.

See Also

Admission Requirements for Specific Program Areas

To Apply for English Language Program (CESL):

To Apply for University Transfer and Degree Programs:

To Apply for Career and Technology and Vocational Programs:

International Students in Co-op Programs