HORT 170, HORT 180

Horticulture Practical (595 hours) 3 credits

The practical sessions are an integral part of the program and are designed to give students hands-on experience in developing required skills. Horticulture 180 is in the second term and is a continuation of Horticulture 170. Following are the major topic areas followed by the apportioned class hours: Plant Studies (30), Insect Studies (13), Soil Studies (10), Weed Studies (8), Indoor Plant Identification (14), Landscape Plant Identification (30), Plant Propagation (39), Greenhouse Crop Production (33), Greenhouse Practices (59), Grounds Maintenance (71), Landscape Design (45), Landscape Installation (71), Pruning (15), Basic Carpentry (25), Small Engines (25), Pesticide Dispensers and Applicator's Course (18).

Prerequisite: Admission to the Horticulture program.