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Homestay Program And Campus Residence

International students are encouraged to participate in the homestay program for at least the first semester of study. Homestay is an excellent way for a student to get settled, learn about Canadian culture and practice the English language. The family provides the student with a private room and three meals a day, including a bag lunch. Arrangements are made through the UCC International Education Centre.

UCC's residences are situated on campus and are available to international students. The student has a private room equipped with a single bed, desk, combination small kitchen facility and storage space. Arrangements can be made directly with McGill Student Housing.

Student housing is also available at Upper College Heights—a 2-minute walk from campus.

See Also

International Students

General Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for Specific Program Areas

Application Process

International Student Fees (April 2004 to December 2004)

English As A Second Language Certificate Programs

English Language Pre-Requisite For Academic Study

Satisfactory Academic Achievement

International Student Support

Policy On International Students

For International Student Information: