NRSC 325

Natural Resource Field Studies (0,1,8)(0,1,0)(L) 3 credits

This course provides students in the BNRS program with hands-on experience in the field, on a variety of topics pertinent to natural resource management. Under the rotating supervision of different faculty members, students conduct field surveys or visit sites where management activities are underway. The exercises include GIS and vegetation mapping, soil analyses, range management, and fisheries and wildlife work. Some field exercises require data analysis and written reports. Participation and completion of all field trips and subsequent reports are required. This course also serves the purpose of providing pertinent field trips for other concurrent fourth-year courses in the BNRS program. Some weekend field work is required.

Prerequisite: NRSC 223, NRSC 413, BIOL 300 and fourth year standing in the BNRS program.

Corequisite: NRSC 321/322