NRSC 424

Research Design, Analysis and Reporting (3,0,2) 3 credits

This course is designed for students in science, although non-science majors may take the course under special permission from the instructor. The course allows senior students to advance their understanding of the basic principles of conducting research, from the initial design of the project, through data collection and analysis, and into the final presentation of the results. Topics covered in lecture and seminar include scientific hypothesis testing, pre- and post-hoc power analysis, statistical design, pseudoreplication, modelling, data coding and entry, logistical constraints to research, and graphical presentation of data. An cursory introduction also is provided to more advanced statistical methods that students likely will encounter if they pursue a career in research, such as power-analysis, multi-variate statistical analysis, logistic regression, survival analysis and Bayesian statistics. In the laboratory, students learn to use various types of software, including modelling, statistical analysis, and graphing packages. Students also become familiar with the process of scientific peer-review, through the submission of a research paper to a mock "journal office".

Prerequisite: C+ or higher in BIOL 300 or an equivalent statistical course. A basic competency in statistics and the use of computers is assumed. NRSC 424 is open to senior undergraduates (3rd or 4th year standing) in the Faculty of Science. Senior undergraduates outside of the Faculty of Science may also be admitted to the course upon direct permission from the instructor.