SERV 300

Service Learning (Third Year) (0,0,5P) 3 credits

Service Learning 300 provides third-year students with faculty supervised service learning opportunities. Academic service learning provides a venue for senior-level students to share their knowledge and skills with the community through approved community-based projects. These service learning projects may be initiated by students, by community members, groups, agencies, and organizations, and by faculty - but to qualify for service learning credit, a faculty member must first authorize the course and then agree to both supervise and evaluate the project.

Criteria for authorizing service level credit: the student's service learning must demonstrate civic participation, community involvement, and require some measure of formal critical reflection; in addition, the project must involve students (normally 3 - 5 hours per week) in organized community service that addresses local needs.

Students may receive service learning credit by working individually or in cohorts of up to 5 students on the same community project. Normally, students meet with the faculty supervisor for initial consultation and/or training during the first week of classes; after the initial meeting, students are expected to keep the faculty supervisor informed about the project on a regular basis. At the end of the course, students will present the faculty supervisor with an evaluation form completed by the community group, agency, or organization served and some combination of the following: a research paper, report, or document; a student journal or activity log; a presentation, performance, or exhibition.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed 60 credits