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Mechanical Trades And Welding


STAINTON, TIM, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), C.I.P. Auto Tech (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Mechanical Trades and Welding

Full-Time Faculty

ALLEN, MARK, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), Level I Weld. Inspector, Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Welding

BABCOCK, LLOYD, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. T.Q. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Commercial Transport Mechanics Apprenticeship

DOHERTY, MEL, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Mechanics ELTT

HIROWATARI, LYLE, I.P. Heavy Duty (B.C.), C.V.I.P. (B.C.), Heavy Duty Mechanics

JENKINS, BRUCE, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. (B.C.), Welding (Wm. Lk.)

PALMER, STEVEN J., Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), H.D. Mech. T.Q. (B.C.), Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Mechanics ELTT

RILLE, JOE, Cert "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), T.Q. Steel Fabricating (B.C.), Welding

SHIELDS, MIKE, Voc. I.D. (Brit.Col.), C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Automotive Tech. (B.C.), H.D. Mechanics/Automotive Speciality (Wm. Lk.)

SKELLY, MATT, Master Technician, T.Q. (Marine, Inboard/Outboard Marine & Outdoor Power Equip.), C.I.P. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Marine Inboard/Outboard and Outdoor Power Equiment

STRUMECKI, JOSEPH, Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Commercial Transport/Heavy Duty Mechanics ELTT

TAMAS, MURRAY, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), Marine Inboard/Outboard and Outdoor Power Equiment

TORDOFF, GORDON K., T.Q. (Auto/H.D. Partsperson Specialty) (Ford, Dagenham, England), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Partsperson

WHARF, DAVE, C.I.P. H.D. Mech (Alta.), C.I.P. Comm .Trans. (B.C.), Voc I.D. (Brit. Col.), Heavy Duty Mechanics Apprenticeship

WIEBE, LES, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), T.Q. Steel Fabricating (B.C.), Voc. I.D., Level III Weld. Inspector, Welding

WHITE, GRANT, Auto Mech. (B.C.) (Sask.), H.D. Mech. (B.C.), Comm. Trans. Mech. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Automotive Specialty

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