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Computer Services

BROOKE HODSON, Programmer Analyst

PAT HOWE, Coordinator Computer Help Desk

RUTH HUGHES, Web & Internet Services Coordinator

PETER INGLIS, Electronics Technician

WAYNE PINETTE, Programmer Analyst

RICK WALKER, Programmer Analyst

Computer Services is located on the third floor of Old Main Building. The office is open 0800 – 1600 hours weekdays and closed weekends and holidays.

Computer Services is responsible for software installation on the mini and microcomputers at UCC, consulting with users on software requirements and developing and maintaining systems. Support and advice for staff is provided by the Computing Help Desk (local 5320).

Computer Services Division is not responsible for any instruction of Computing courses. Inquiries about such matters should be taken to the Computing Science Department. Students using the computer labs can report problems at the CSLS office located in Room OM1320 in Old Main building.

All UCC students and staff are eligible to use the computer facilities (micros or minicomputers). It is not necessary for a student to be enrolled in a Computing course, as students are encouraged to use the facilities for essay preparation and other coursework.

Finally, Computer Services would like to caution all users to be aware of the copyright laws as they pertain to use and distribution of computer software as well as the appropriate use of computers as outlined in the Student Account Agreement.

See Also

Computer Services

Media Services

Technical Services