ELIZABETH BIAGIONI, R.N. (St. Paul's Hospital, Vcr, B.C.), Nurse Co-ordinator, Health Services
UCC has a full-time physician on duty from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, located in Old Main building Room OM1461. Appointments to see the doctor are necessary and can be made by contacting the Health Services office. The Health Services office can be contacted during regular hours by calling (250) 828-5126 (Local 5126) or through the Campus Switchboard (250) 828-5000 (Local 5000).
In case of emergency, 24-hours per day, assistance can be reached by calling Local 1111.
If you have a chronic medical condition or injury such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, etc., please contact Health Services. Parking forms for students or staff with disabilities are also distributed from this office.
All work related or personal accidents which occur while you are on campus must be reported to Health Services or Security as soon as possible. Information on Workers' Compensation coverage, medical insurance and application forms can be obtained from Health Services or Occupational Health and Safety Department.
The Health Services office retains all medical documentation and immunization records for all classes requiring these prerequisites. If students need their records for any reason, please feel free to contact Health Services.