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The UCC Foundation – Building Our Future

The Foundation carries on the activities dedicated to the advancement of education and other charitable purposes beneficial to UCC. This is accomplished through the efforts of a volunteer Board of Directors, the newly established Foundation Society with 99 members, the Foundation staff and community supporters. As a registered society under the statutes of the Province of British Columbia and governed by the regulations of Canada Customs and Revenue Department the Foundation can issue charitable donation receipts to all of its donors.

The purposes of the Foundation are:

  1. To undertake activities which promote and benefit education at UCC.
  2. To encourage community interest in post secondary education at UCC.
  3. To obtain financial support for UCC programs and projects.
  4. To provide funds for the financial support of UCC students.
  5. To serve as the manager and trustee of funds invested with, or donated to the Foundation.
  6. To coordinate all fund raising undertaken on behalf of the UCC.

In this past year the Foundation has raised more than $1,000,000 for student financial assistance and special projects. The current value of the Foundation's Endowment Funds exceed $4.8 million.

Benefits of Your Gifts

Your gift to the UCC Foundation is an investment in the future of higher education in the Interior of British Columbia—one of the most powerful tools available to combat illiteracy, to promote the economic renewal of the region and to enhance lifelong opportunities for all residents.

A gift to the University will ensure that excellence in education and service to communities in the Cariboo region will continue and flourish.

A gift to the UCC Foundation can:

Support special programs and activities of the College.

Graduation Gift

The UCC Foundation has an opportunity for graduating students to leave a lasting legacy to UCC. Graduates can commemorate their graduation year by making a contribution of $20.05 or more to the class of 2005 Graduation Gift. This fund will provide a gift to the University decided on by a committee of graduating students. All graduates who contribute to the 2005 Class Gift will be listed on the "Building Our Future" recognition wall located in the Old Main Building.

How Can You Give?

Cash Donations of any size are always appreciated. Such gifts may be designated to provide scholarships or to fund special projects, or may be left for "unrestricted" use where the College most needs the support.

Endowment Funds created by larger cash gifts provide a living reminder of the donor's generosity. Interest from these funds can be designated for specific uses or its application left to the discretion of the Foundation Directors. Many of the private endowments currently managed by the Foundation have been established as memorials to family members and friends.

Planned Gifts come in many forms: life insurance policies in which UCC is the beneficiary, bequests in wills and many types of income generating annuities.

Gifts-in-kind can cover a wide range of products, equipment or services. On behalf of the University the Foundation has accepted gifts of computers, vehicles, heavy equipment, books and works of art.

To give to the UCC Foundation, please call or write:

UCC Foundation

PO Box 3010

Kamloops, BC

V2C 5N3

Telephone: (250) 828-5264 or (250) 377-UCCF


See the Foundation Annual Report at and click on Foundation.

See Also

Other Services

Campus Activity Centre

Campus Card

Canada Post Mail Boxes

Cariboo Childcare, A Non-Profit Society

Cultural Facilities at UCC

Food Services

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Lost And Found


Print Shop

Recreation Facilities


Student Newspaper

Student Society

UCC Alumni Association