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Admission Requirements

Students are expected to enter a Major/Minor in the third year of their studies, having completed the equivalent of 60 credits.

Lower Division requirements (24-credits hours)

  1. Core Courses:

    Students must complete one of:

    FNST 101-3

    The Cultures, Languages and Origins of Canada's First Peoples (SFU)*

    ANTH 214-3

    Canadian Native Peoples (UCC)



    FNST 201-3

    Canadian Aboriginal Peoples' Perspectives on History (SFU)*

    * both FNST 101 and FNST 201 are also available as Distance Education courses with Simon Fraser University and the BC Open University.


    6 credit hours

  2. Aboriginal Language Courses:

    Students will meet this requirement by completing six credit hours of study in an Aboriginal language. This requirement will usually be met by students completing both of:

    LING 231-3

    Introduction to a First Nations Language I (SFU)

    LING 232-3

    Introduction to a First Nations Language II (SFU)

    These courses are available for Secwepemctsin, Tsilhqot'in, St'at'imcets and several other languages of the BC Interior and Coast.

    Students who already have an introductory or intermediate level background in an Aboriginal language may instead take both of:

    LING 433-3

    First Nations Language Mentoring I (SFU)

    LING 434-3

    First Nations Language Mentoring II (SFU)

    In any Aboriginal language for which there is a local fluent speaker available to tutor the student under the direction of a faculty member.

    The 6-credit hour requirement in an Aboriginal language will also satisfy UCC's 6-credit hour foreign/second language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree.


    6 credit hours

  3. Introductory Concept Courses:

    Students must complete one of:

    ANTH 121-3

    Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (UCC)

    SA 101-4

    Introduction to Anthropology (SFU)

    and one of


    ANTH 119-3

    Introduction to Archaeology (UCC)

    ARCH 201-3

    Introduction to Archaeology (SFU)

    ARCH 100-3

    Ancient Peoples and Places (SFU)

    In addition, it is strongly recommended that students complete:

    SA 255-4

    Introduction to Social Research (SFU)

    and one of:


    STAT 203-3

    Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences (SFU)

    MATH 120-3

    Introduction to Statistics (UCC)

    before proceeding to meet Upper Division requirements.

    Total introductory concept courses required: 6-7 credit hours

  4. Elective Courses:

    Students must complete at least six credit hours of elective courses with First Nations/Aboriginal Studies content selected from the following:

    ANTH 223-3

    Indians of British Columbia (UCC)

    SA 286-4

    Aboriginal Peoples and British Columbia: Introduction (SFU)

    HIST 202-3

    Native History of Canada (UCC)

    HIST 201-3

    The History of Western Canada (SFU)

    ENGL 241-3

    Canadian Native Literature (UCC)

    ANTH 219-3

    Ancient North Americans (UCC)

    ANTH 260-3

    Minorities in the Modern World (UCC)

    CNST 200-3

    Introduction to Canadian Studies (UCC)

    ARCH 223-3

    The Prehistory of Canada (SFU)

    ARCH 273-3

    Archaeology of the New World (SFU)

    ARCH 200-3

    Special Topics in World Prehistory (SFU)*

    LING 260-3

    Language, Culture and Society (SFU) – when topic is appropriate

    SOCI 201-3

    Race and Ethnic Relations (UCC)

    TMGT 102-3

    Cultural, Heritage and Nature Interpretation - (UCC)*

    GEOG 223-3

    The Regional Geography of BC and the Yukon (UCC)*

    ** Additional courses with significant First Nations / Aboriginal Studies content available at either institution may be approved to meet this requirement.

    Total elective courses required: 6 credit hours

See Also

Major in Aboriginal Studies - in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Simon Fraser University (SCES/SFU Program, Kamloops)

Program Requirements