Candidates who begin the Extended Practica (EDPR 410 and EDPR 420) are not permitted to drop these courses from their records. Those who do not complete the practica satisfactorily, and who qualify for neither a supplemental nor a deferred practicum will be assigned a failing grade and will normally be required to discontinue or to withdraw from the program.
After one year, candidates required to discontinue may appeal to the School of Education for permission to re-enrol. Their appeal must include evidence of their having satisfied any conditions set at the time they were required to discontinue.
Candidates who withdraw from the program voluntarily will not be entitled automatically to return; each request for reinstatement will be considered by an Admissions Committee along with other applications.
Candidates who for any reason fail to complete all requirements of the program within a four year period will not be readmitted; they may, however, submit new applications for admission. If they are admitted, they will receive no advance credit for courses completed previously.