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Admission Requirements

Students pursuing the post-baccalaureate diploma must complete 33 credits. Each student's program, including the internship placement, will be developed in consultation with the Program Chair. The program courses will be distributed as follows:

  1. 15 core course credits plus additional credits as follows
  2. a minimum of 3 credits in an area of specialization,
  3. a minimum of 6 credits in critical issues and theory,
  4. a minimum of 6 credits in publication production, and
  5. a 12-week credit internship (JOUR 399).

Students taking this diploma option must complete an internship (paid or unpaid) and the JOUR 399 internship course to graduate. Those students who are unable to complete the internship component may transfer their journalism credits to the regular two-year degree program.

See Also

Option II – For Degree Holders

Admission Requirements

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism