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Biology Majors and Honours Programs

There are four undergraduate options leading to a B.Sc. major in Biology at UCC: Animal Biology, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology, Ecology and Environmental Biology, and General Biology.

An Honours program may be taken in any one of these four areas and requires the completion of 128 credits, including the 120 credits required for a Major in either of these areas as well as Biology 498-2 (Honours Seminar) and Biology 499-6 (Honours Thesis). Students must apply for admission to the Biology Honours program at the end of their 3rd year. Acceptance into the program normally requires 4th year standing, a minimum GPA of 3.0 with at least a B grade in all Biology and required English courses.

The following requirements for Biology Majors apply to those students entering first year science in 1997/98 (and subsequently). Requirements for students who entered first year prior to 1997/98 are noted.

In This Section

Major In Animal Biology

Major In General Biology

Major In Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

Major in Ecology and Environmental Biology

See Also

Specific Course Requirements for Majors Programs

Interdisciplinary Major in Chemical Biology


Computing Science

