First and Second Years |
CHEM 110/120 or 111/121 or 110/125 or 111/125 1 |
6 credits |
one of: BIOL 111 or 121 2,8 (from Fall 2004 on, BIOL 111 required) |
3 credits |
GEOL 111 or 205 2,8 |
COMP 100 or COMP 113 2 |
3 credits |
ENGL 110 or 111 3 |
3 credits |
(or two of ENGL 110, 111 and 121) 3 |
(6 credits) |
MATH 113/123 or 114/124 or 115/125 |
6 credits |
PHYS 110/120 or 115/125 |
6 credits |
BIOL 213 (from Fall 2004) |
3 credits |
CHEM 212/222 |
6 credits |
CHEM 215/225 |
6 credits |
MATH 211/212 |
6 credits |
ENGL 229 or 230 2,3 |
3 credits |
Electives 4 |
6-12 credits |
Third and Fourth Years |
CHEM 306 |
3 credits |
CHEM 307 |
3 credits |
CHEM 308L |
1 credit |
CHEM 310 5 |
3 credits |
CHEM 312L 5 |
1 credit |
CHEM 314 |
3 credits |
CHEM 322 |
3 credits |
CHEM 323 |
3 credits |
CHEM 324L |
1 credit |
CHEM 331 |
3 credits |
CHEM 332 |
3 credits |
CHEM 333L |
1 credit |
CHEM 440L |
1 credit |
Chemistry Electives: |
one of (Selected Topics): CHEM 407 6 |
CHEM 422 7 |
3 credits |
CHEM 432 7 |
CHEM 460 6 |
one of (Advanced Laboratory): CHEM 441L |
CHEM 442L |
1 credit |
CHEM 443L |
CHEM 444L |
one of: CHEM 301 |
CHEM 302 |
3 credits |
CHEM 448 |
(or one additional of: CHEM 407, 422, 432, 460) |
Electives 4 |
24 credits |
1 CHEM 111/121 or 111/125 recommended first year Chemistry courses for Chemistry Majors. Students planning on transferring to UBC after their first year should take one of the combinations that includes CHEM 125. |
2 Must be taken prior to third year. Students who entered first year Science prior to Fall 1997 are not required to take COMP 100 or COMP 113 and ENGL 229/230 or the first year BIOL/GEOL courses. (Although they may choose to do so as electives). |
3 Students with a grade of B or better in ENGL 110 (or 111) may proceed to either of the required ENGL 229 or 230 in their second year; students with less than a B grade in their first year English course are required to take another 3 credits of first year English (111 or 121) before their second year English requirement. |
4 Electives must include 9-12 credits in at least two disciplines outside of science (other than English). The 24 remaining credits may be chosen from any discipline; at least 12 of these must be in courses numbered 300 and higher. |
5 These courses must be taken in the Fall Semester of Third Year. |
6 Offered in "odd" years. |
7 Offered in "even" years. |
8 From Fall 2004 on, Biology 111 is required as a prerequisite for Biology 213, which is also required. Students wishing to take Biology 121 or Geology 111 or 205 may take them for elective credit |