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Major in Physics

First Year


BIOL 111 or 1211,2 or GEOL 111 or 2051,2

3 credits

CHEM 110/120 or 111/121 or 110/125 or 111/1253

6 credits

COMP 100 or COMP 113 1,2,4

3 credits

ENGL 110 or 1115

3 credits

(or two of ENGL 110, 111 or 121)5

(6 credits)

MATH 113/123 or 114/124

6 credits

PHYS 110/120 or 115/1256

6 credits

Electives 7

0-3 credits

Second year


ENGL 229 or 2305

3 credits

MATH 211

3 credits

MATH 212

3 credits

MATH 224

3 credits

MATH 317

3 credits

PHYS 200

3 credits

PHYS 215

3 credits

PHYS 220

3 credits

PHYS 225

3 credits


3 credits

1st registered in Science prior to Fall 2004


Third & Fourth Years


PHYS 308

3 credits

PHYS 309

2 credits

PHYS 310

2 credits

PHYS 325

3 credits

PHYS 312 or MATH 316

3 credits

PHYS 313

3 credits

PHYS 412

3 credits

Physics Electives8

12 credits


30 credits

1st registered in Science Fall 2004 and thereafter


Third & Fourth Years


Phys 308

3 credits

Phys 309

3 credits

Phys 310

3 credits

Phys 312

3 credits

Phys 316

3 credits

Phys 320

3 credits

Phys 325

3 credits

Phys 340

3 credits

Phys 440

3 credits

Physics Electives8

12 credits


21 creditsd

1 Students who entered first year Science prior to fall 1997 are not required to take COMP 100 or COMP 113, ENGL 229/230 or the first year BIOL or GEOL courses (although they may choose to do so as electives).

2 May be taken in first or second year.

3 Student planning on transferring to UBC after their first year should take a combination that includes CHEM 125.

4 COMP 113 is strongly recommended. Students intending to take the Physics Co-op program must take COMP 113.

5 Students with a B or better in ENGL 110 or 111 may proceed into ENGL 229 or 230 in their second year; students with less than a B in first year English must take another 3 credits of 100-level English before their second year English requirement.

6 Recommended course for students planning on a Major program

7 Electives must include 9-12 credits in at least two disciplines outside of science (other than English). The 21-24 remaining elective credits may be chosen from any discipline; 15 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 or above.

8 Physics Electives include:


PHYS 314

3 credits

PHYS 315

3 credits

PHYS 318 or PHYS 320

3 credits

PHYS 330

3 credits

PHYS 350

3 credits

PHYS 414

3 credits

PHYS 448

3 credits

Note: Not all upper level Physics courses are offered every year, but they will be alternated over a two-year period.


See Also
