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Social Work Core Courses




SOCW 301

The Research Practitioner in the Human Services

W or S

SOCW 302

Data Analysis

S or F

*SOCW 304

Social Work Field Practice

S, F or W

SOCW 306

Theory and Ideology of Social Work

S or F

*SOCW 307

Models of Social Work Practice

S, F or W

SOCW 353

Communication Skills for Social Work Practice

S or F

SOCW 354

An Introduction to First Nations Issues and Human Services

S or F

SOCW 355

Human Development


SOCW 357

Social Work, Law and Social Policy


*SOCW 402

Social Work Field Practice 2

S, F or W

*SOCW 403

Generalist Social Work Practice

S, F or W

* Pre-requisites are required to take this course.


See Also

Course Schedule

UCC BSW Program offers three semesters:

Third Year

Summer Semester

Fourth Year

Social Work Elective Courses