BTM Adventure Concentration 15 credits
Graduating Seminar |
TMGT 402-3 |
Business Applications in Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 401-3 |
Legal Liability and Risk Management in Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 402-3 |
Contemporary Perspectives in Adventure Tourism Management |
ADVG 403-3 |
Adventure Tourism Programming |
ADVG 404-3 |
BTM Entrepreneurship Concentration 15 credits
Graduating Seminar |
TMGT 402-3 |
Developing New Tourism Enterprises |
TMGT 412-3* |
And 9 credits from the following: |
Tourist Behaviour |
TMGT 413-3* |
Tourism Strategy |
TMGT 414-3* |
Managing Small Tourism Enterprises |
TMGT 415-3* |
Tourism in a Global Environment |
TMGT 416-3* |
Information Technology and Tourism |
TMGT 417-3* |
Managing the Tourist Experience |
TMGT 418-3* |
*Note: Under development
BTM Major
BTM Adventure Major 24 credits
Graduating Seminar |
TMGT 402-3 |
And 21 credits from the following: |
Business Applications in Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 401-3 |
Legal Liability and Risk Management in Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 402-3 |
Contemporary Perspectives in Adventure Tourism Management |
ADVG 403-3 |
Adventure Tourism Programming |
ADVG 404-3 |
International Adventure Tourism Development |
ADVG 405-3 |
International Adventure Tourism Operations |
ADVG 406-3 |
Selected Topics in Nature-based and Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 407-3 |
Research in Adventure Tourism |
ADVG 408-3 |
Nature-based Tourism Policy, Planning and Development |
ADVG 409-3 |
Adventure Tourism Field Trip |
ADVG 410-6 |
BTM Entrepreneurship Major 24 credits
Graduating Seminar |
TMGT 402-3 |
Developing New Tourism Enterprises |
TMGT 412-3* |
And 18 credits from the following: |
Tourist Behaviour |
TMGT 413-3* |
Tourism Strategy |
TMGT 414-3* |
Managing Small Tourism Enterprises |
TMGT 415-3* |
Tourism in a Global Environment |
TMGT 416-3* |
Information Technology and Tourism |
TMGT 417-3* |
Managing the Tourist Experience |
TMGT 418-3* |
Tourism Enterprise Field Course |
TMGT 419-6* |
*Note: Under development
BTM Major/Minor
Note: Students must complete a MINIMUM of 48 upper level program credits (300/400 level) AND no more than 3 credits of overlap allowed between the major and the minor.
Note: Students pursuing a Minor must also complete a Major as described above.