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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Open Learning Courses and Registration

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Accounting (ACCT) 13 courses
ACCT 1211 Accounting I Online, self-paced
ACCT 1221 Accounting II Online, self-paced
ACCT 2211 Financial Accounting Online, self-paced
ACCT 2251 Management Accounting Online, self-paced
ACCT 2281 Accounting Software Systems Online, self-paced
ACCT 3201 Intermediate Financial Accounting I Online, self-paced
ACCT 3211 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 Online, self-paced
ACCT 3221 Income Taxation 1 Online, self-paced
ACCT 3231 Income Taxation 2 Online, self-paced
ACCT 3251 Intermediate Management Accounting Online, self-paced
ACCT 4201 Advanced Financial Accounting Online, self-paced
ACCT 4231 Assurance Online, self-paced
ACCT 4251 Advanced Management Accounting Online, self-paced
Anesthesiology (ANES) 10 courses
ANES 0011 Anesthesia Assistant Placement Exam
ANES 4001 Anesthesia Workstations Online, self-paced
ANES 4003 Airway Management Online, self-paced
ANES 4005 Anesthesia Adjunct Equipment Online, self-paced
ANES 4011 Hemodynamic and Physiological Monitoring Online, self-paced
ANES 4021 Pharmacology and Principles of Clinical Anesthesia Online, paced
ANES 4031 Clinical Anesthesia and Special Considerations Online, paced
ANES 4061 Anesthesia Professional Skills Online, self-paced
ANES 4071 Research Skills for Anesthesia Assistants Online, self-paced
ANES 4101 Clinical Anesthesia
Architectural and Engineering Technology (ARET) 2 courses
ARET 4101 Energy Modeling Online, self-paced
ARET 4111 Green Building Rating Systems Online, self-paced
Astronomy (ASTR) 2 courses
ASTR 1141 Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System Online, self-paced
ASTR 1151 Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies Online, self-paced
Business Administration (BBUS) 7 courses
BBUS 3331 Introduction to Production and Operations Management Online, self-paced
BBUS 3611 Open Thinking Online, paced
BBUS 3631 Open Communication: Effective Online, paced
BBUS 3661 Strategic Human Resource Management Online, paced
BBUS 3671 Contemporary Leadership Online, paced
BBUS 4135 Motivation and Productivity Online, self-paced
BBUS 4833 Effective Leadership Online, paced
Biology (BIOL) 22 courses
BIOL 0501 General Biology Online, self-paced
BIOL 0601 Provincial Biology Online, self-paced
BIOL 1001 Understanding Biology Online, self-paced
BIOL 1113 Principles of Biology I Online, self-paced
BIOL 1115 Biology Laboratory I In-Person
BIOL 1213 Principles of Biology II Online, self-paced
BIOL 1215 Biology Laboratory II In-Person
BIOL 1593 Anatomy and Physiology I Online, self-paced
BIOL 1595 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I In-Person
BIOL 1693 Anatomy and Physiology II Online, self-paced
BIOL 1695 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II In-Person
BIOL 2131 Cell and Molecular Biology Online, self-paced
BIOL 2341 Introduction to Genetics Online, self-paced
BIOL 3021 Community And Ecosystem Ecology Online, self-paced
BIOL 3101 Animal Behaviour Online, self-paced
BIOL 3131 Introduction to Biochemistry Online, paced
BIOL 3201 Immunology Online, self-paced
BIOL 3231 Biochemistry Online, paced
BIOL 3701 Human Anatomy for Health Care Professionals Online, paced
BIOL 3991 People and Plants Online, self-paced
BIOL 4001 Biostatistics Online, self-paced
BIOL 4141 Evolution Online, self-paced
Business Law (BLAW) 3 courses
BLAW 2911 Commercial Law Online, self-paced
BLAW 2921 Law for Public Sector Managers Online, self-paced
BLAW 3921 Employment Law Online, self-paced
Master of Business Administration (BUSN) 19 courses
BUSN 5011 Managerial Statistics Online, paced
BUSN 5021 Financial Accounting Online, paced
BUSN 5031 Management Accounting Online, paced
BUSN 5041 Economics for Managers Online, paced
BUSN 5051 Marketing Management Online, paced
BUSN 5061 Human Resource Management Online, paced
BUSN 6011 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Online, paced
BUSN 6021 Corporate Finance Online, paced
BUSN 6031 International Business Online, paced
BUSN 6041 Leadership and Organizational Development Online, paced
BUSN 6051 Supply Chain Management Online, paced
BUSN 6061 Strategic Management Information Systems Online, paced
BUSN 6071 Project Management and Consulting Methods Online, paced
BUSN 6081 Strategic Management Online, paced
BUSN 6151 Advanced Marketing Management Online, paced
BUSN 6211 Advanced Corporate Finance Online, paced
BUSN 6251 Decision Analysis and Modelling Online, paced
BUSN 6311 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Online, paced
BUSN 6951 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation Online, paced
Chemistry (CHEM) 9 courses
CHEM 0501 Principles of Chemistry Online, self-paced
CHEM 1503 Chemical Bonding and Organic Chemistry Online, self-paced
CHEM 1505 Chemistry Laboratory I Online, self-paced
CHEM 1523 Principles of Chemistry Online, self-paced
CHEM 1525 Chemistry Laboratory II Online, self-paced
CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I Online, self-paced
CHEM 2125 Organic Chemistry Lab I In-Person
CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry II Online, self-paced
CHEM 2225 Organic Chemistry Lab II In-Person
Communication Studies (CMNS) 13 courses
CMNS 1151 Advertising as Communication Online, self-paced
CMNS 1161 Introduction to Communications Online, self-paced
CMNS 1291 Introduction to Professional Writing Online, self-paced
CMNS 1811 Professional and Academic Composition Online, self-paced
CMNS 2171 Interpersonal Communication Online, self-paced
CMNS 2291 Technical Communication Online, self-paced
CMNS 3161 Media, Entertainment & Popular Culture Online, self-paced
CMNS 3201 Citizen and Consumer Identities in Networked Culture Online, self-paced
CMNS 3211 Digital Communities Online, self-paced
CMNS 3251 Professional and Academic Proposal Writing Online, self-paced
CMNS 3551 Media and Public Relations Online, self-paced
CMNS 4241 Strategies in Crisis Communications Online, self-paced
CMNS 4531 Organizational Communication Online, self-paced
Computing (COMP) 20 courses
COMP 1131 Computer Programming 1 Online, self-paced
COMP 1231 Computer Programming II Online, self-paced
COMP 2131 Introduction to Computer Systems Online, self-paced
COMP 2161 Mobile Application Development 1 Online, paced
COMP 2211 Programming Methods Online, self-paced
COMP 2231 Data Structures and Algorithms Online, self-paced
COMP 2681 Web Site Design and Development Online, self-paced
COMP 2921 Software Architecture and Design Online, self-paced
COMP 3051 Algorithm Design & Analysis Online, self-paced
COMP 3141 Object-Oriented Design and Programming Online, self-paced
COMP 3261 Computer Network Security Online, self-paced
COMP 3271 Computer Networks Online, self-paced
COMP 3411 Operating Systems Online, self-paced
COMP 3451 Human Computer Interaction Design Online, self-paced
COMP 3521 Software Engineering Online, self-paced
COMP 3541 Web Site Design & Programming Online, self-paced
COMP 3611 Database Systems Online, self-paced
COMP 3711 Artificial Intelligence Online, self-paced
COMP 4621 Web-Based Information Systems Online, self-paced
COMP 4911 Computing Science Project Online, self-paced
Convention Tourism (CONV) 6 courses
CONV 1011 Introduction to Tourism Online, self-paced
CONV 1021 Introduction to Special Events Management Online, self-paced
CONV 1031 Celebrating Community and Culture Online, self-paced
CONV 1041 Event Volunteer Management Online, self-paced
CONV 1051 Legal Liability and Risk Management Online, self-paced
CONV 1061 Event Marketing Online, self-paced
Criminology (CRIM) 10 courses
CRIM 1011 Introduction to Criminology Online, self-paced
CRIM 1161 The Canadian Legal System Online, self-paced
CRIM 2251 Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour Online, self-paced
CRIM 2261 Criminal Law Online, self-paced
CRIM 2521 Introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice System Online, self-paced
CRIM 3151 Indigenous Justice Online, self-paced
CRIM 3311 Advanced Theoretical Perspectives in Criminology Online, self-paced
CRIM 3321 Sociology of Law Online, self-paced
CRIM 3821 Socio-Ethnographic Research Methods Online, self-paced
CRIM 4121 Crime and Media Online, self-paced
Child and Youth Care (CYCA) 1 course
CYCA 2001 Introduction to Professional Foundations of Child and Youth Care Online, self-paced
Economics (ECON) 6 courses
ECON 1221 Introduction to Basic Economics Online, self-paced
ECON 1901 Principles of Microeconomics Online, self-paced
ECON 1951 Principles of Macroeconomics Online, self-paced
ECON 2331 Economic and Business Statistics 2 Online, self-paced
ECON 2631 Topics in Indigenous Economics Online, self-paced
ECON 3041 Managerial Economics Online, self-paced
Education Diploma in Distance Learning (EDDL) 5 courses
EDDL 5101 Education Technology for Learning Online, paced
EDDL 5111 Introduction to Distributed Learning Online, paced
EDDL 5131 Designing Multimedia for the Curriculum Online, paced
EDDL 5141 Online Teaching and Learning Online, paced
EDDL 5151 Contemporary Issues in Technology Enhanced Learning Online, paced
Education First Nations (EDFN) 1 course
EDFN 4201 Aboriginal Teaching and Learning Online, paced
Education - Individual Education (EDIE) 1 course
EDIE 4151 Inclusive Education - Specific Learning Disabilities Online, paced
Education - Teaching (EDTE) 1 course
EDTE 3181 History of Education Online, paced
Education (EDUC) 15 courses
EDUC 5011 Research Methods Online, paced
EDUC 5021 Philosophy and History of Education Online, paced
EDUC 5031 Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Online, paced
EDUC 5041 Diversity: Constructing Social Realities Online, paced
EDUC 5131 Managing Multiple Systems: Policy and Practice Online, paced
EDUC 5281 Capstone Seminar Online, paced
EDUC 5401 Principles and Processes of Educational Leadership Online, paced
EDUC 5421 Legal Issues in Education Online, paced
EDUC 5441 Understanding and Managing Conflict Online, paced
EDUC 5461 Educational Management Online, paced
EDUC 5501 Introduction to Counselling Skills Online, paced
EDUC 5511 Theories in Counselling Online, paced
EDUC 5521 Assessment and Evaluation in Counselling Online, paced
EDUC 5551 Introduction to Secondary School Counselling Online, paced
EDUC 5561 Career Counseling and Development Online, paced
English (ENGL) 19 courses
ENGL 0401 Reading and Writing English Print, self-paced
ENGL 0501 Advanced English Skills Online, self-paced
ENGL 0601 Introduction to Literature Online, self-paced
ENGL 0661 Written Communication Print, self-paced
ENGL 1001 Literature and Composition 1 Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 1011 Literature and Composition II Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 1021 Composition and Indigenous Literature in Canada I Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 1031 Composition and Indigenous Literature in Canada II Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 1101 Introduction to University Writing Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 2111 English Literature from Chaucer to Milton Online, self-paced
ENGL 2211 English Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Print, self-paced Online, self-paced
ENGL 3291 Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Fiction Online, self-paced
ENGL 3841 The English Novel in the 18th Century Online, self-paced
ENGL 3991 The Voices of Protest and Rebellion in Contemporary American Literature Online, self-paced
ENGL 4231 Literature and the Environment Online, self-paced
ENGL 4241 Modern British Fiction Online, self-paced
ENGL 4321 Modern Canadian Fiction Online, self-paced
ENGL 4341 Modern Canadian Theatre Online, self-paced
ENGL 4351 Modern American Fiction Online, self-paced
Entrepreneurship (ENTR) 1 course
ENTR 4751 New Venture Creation Online, self-paced
Environmental Studies: Sustainability (ENVS) 1 course
ENVS 3991 Environmental Studies: Sustainability Online, self-paced
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