Discover the Power of Networking
Career mentoring is where experienced business professionals (mentors) can meet with students (mentees) to guide, counsel, and advise on career choices, opportunities, and occupations. Career Mentoring can boost student employability and expand their network and learning beyond the classroom.
At TRU, the Career & Experiential Learning department and the Alumni Office work together to organize Mentoring events on campus and online that introduce students to the benefits of networking and mentorship relationships. Each event will host professionals in various career fields so students can explore different careers and seek advice on entering the job market while expanding their professional network.
Career Mentoring Events 2023/2024:
Connect: Tourism Management | Jan. 17, 2024 4-5:30 p.m. (PST) |
Mountain Room, Campus Activity Centre |
The Faculty of Adventure, Culinary and Tourism, TRU Alumni and the TRU Career & Experiential Learning department are partnering to host a career mentoring event for Tourism students on January 17, 2024. This event is designed to connect students with industry professionals to learn about working in various tourism sectors. Mentors will share their personal experience and career path stories with inquisitive students seeking a career in the Tourism Industry.
Student RegistrationInstructors: If you would like to arrange a career mentoring event for your class, please contact us at
The Importance of Mentors!
In the following TED Talk, Tai Lopez reminds us of the importance of engaging with the mentorship process.
If you are interested in the Career Mentoring program, please send an email to