TRU Science

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering

Power up your future as a software engineer today. Through our program, you will learn to apply engineering principles to computer software. You will gain technical knowledge and skills in how to design, develop, maintain, test and evaluate software.

As you move through the program, your courses will include areas such as engineering, business, computing science and project management. The BEng in Software Engineering program is accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of the Engineers Canada.

Software engineer grads do more than programming. They bring creative solutions to manufacturing, transportation, health care, government and digital media. These sectors rely on computer tools and applications, which our grads manage.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering is all about solving real-world problems by creating usable, reliable and efficient software. Software engineering students study engineering principles, computer science algorithm development and programming, and mathematical foundations. The software engineering discipline equips you with the required skills to compete in the ever-challenging job market. Our students' theoretical and practical skills, gained through the software engineering program, position them high on any job candidate list because they have an in-depth mixture of foundational theory in engineering science, engineering design, math, and program developing skills.

A wide range of industries depends on software engineers to operate their businesses. There is substantial demand for "software engineers and designers (National Occupation Code NOC 2173)" in the Canadian job market. Canadian labour statistics show projected growth in software development positions of 21 percent until 2028, with a projected annual income of 124,100 CAD by 2025.

A software engineer is crucial to any business that either creates its computer programs or tailors third-party software.

Software engineers are responsible for:

  • Designing
  • Developing
  • Testing
  • Evaluating
  • Integrating
  • Maintaining
  • Modifying programs

The field includes specialists in the many different levels of development. It is also fast-moving. Software engineering graduates must also learn on the job, or they will find their knowledge becomes out-of-date very quickly.

Co-op program

Co-operative education is a mandatory requirement of the Software Engineering degree that comes with many added benefits:

  • Obtain industry related experience to boost up your resume.
  • Get paid while you learn!
  • Build connections with industry professionals.
  • Apply and strengthen skills learned in the classroom to real world scenarios.
  • Have the opportunity to apply co-op experience to Engineering In Training Hours after graduation.
Learn more about Co-op

Career paths

Software engineering is one of the most in-demand and fastest growing professions in North America. Software engineering jobs are expected to jump by 24 percent from 2019 to 2026.

Major companies that hire software engineers:

  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Apple
  • Tesla

Career prospects in software engineering:

  • Software security analyst
  • Software quality assurance engineer
  • Software application developer
  • Software architect
  • Data scientist
  • Mobile and web developer
  • Cloud developer
  • Game developer

It's a great time to become a software engineer!

View our latest info session recording to learn more about the Bachelor of Software Engineering program.