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Career/Technology &Vocational Programs


Career/Technology and Vocational programs are up to three years in length and normally lead directly to job opportunities. A certificate is granted for completion of programs of 45 credits or less and a diploma is granted for those of 46 credits and more.

The following programs are available:

  1. English Requirement:

    67% on the combined English 12 and Government Exam (within the last 5 years)

    or Level 3 on the composition section of the Language Proficiency Index (within the last 2 years)

    or Completion of English 050

  2. English Requirement:

    73% on the combined English 12 and Government Exam (within the last 5 years)

    or level 4 on the composition section of the Language Proficiency Index (within the last 2 years)

    or Completion of English 060

    or Completion of CESL 053, CESL 054 & CESL 057 with a grade C+ or better

    or Completion of English 110

  3. English Requirement:

    3 credits of 100 level English.

International Students

To enter full time study in a Career Technical program, students must comply with one of:

  1. Score at least 115 in the combined score and at least 20 on the composition sub-section of the English Proficiency Test.
  2. Complete B.C. Grade 12 (or approved equivalent) with a combined score in ENGLISH 12 of 67% or better on the course and provincial exam; B.C. grads with scores below 67% may present a current LPI score for consideration.
  3. Complete all CESL courses required as determined by initial English Language Assessment earning a mark of B- or higher in CESL 057 and CESL 058. Designated programs accept students who have successfully completed level 4.
  4. Present TOEFL score of 570 or above. Students seeking Career Technical entry, presenting TOEFL score between 550 and 569 and choosing not to write the EPT, must complete CESL 057 and CESL 058 with a grade of C+ or better. Designated programs will accept students presenting a 550 and above TOEFL score.

LPI Testing

For information regarding the LPI test and to register for writing, students should contact the UCC Assessment Centre and/or refer to the L.P.I. Test section of this calendar.

Students in doubt as to the relevance of the LPI to their program should consult the program chair, Chairperson of English and Modern Languages or an Academic Advisor. LPI results should be presented during registration.

In This Chapter

Allied Health Programs

Animal Health Technology Diploma

Animal Welfare Certificate

Business Programs

Computer Systems: Operations and Management Diploma

Continuing Studies for Nurses

Digital Art and Design Diploma

Early Childhood Education Diploma


Engineering Design and Drafting Technology Diploma

Fine Arts Diploma

Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Certificate

Horticulture Certificate

Diploma in Horticulture and Management

Human Service Programs

Medical Laboratory Assistant Program

Mental Health Specialty Program

Pre-Health Program

Primary Care Clinical Nursing Program

Public Safety Communications Certificate

Respiratory Therapy Diploma

School of Tourism