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Food and Beverage Management Certificate

This certificate program is designed for people who have some experience in the hospitality industry and are seeking to upgrade their skills to reach a supervisory or management position. It is also ideal for current supervisors/managers wanting to manage their operation more effectively. Graduates of a professional cook training program are also eligible. The program's courses are in the areas of food production, food and beverage management principles, service, and cost control. They provide skills and knowledge essential to ensuring professionally trained staff and keeping a competitive edge.

In This Section

Program Introduction

Admission Requirements

Program Development

Graduation Credentials

Program Outline

Course Descriptions

See Also

Tourism Management Programs

Chairperson, Tourism Management Department

Admission Requirements

Educational Requirements

General Requirements

Documentation Required

Orientation Session

Part-time Students


Exemptions and Advanced Credit

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Field Trips

Transfer Opportunities

Co-op Option

Events and Conventions Management Diploma

Resort and Hotel Management Diploma

Sports Event Management Diploma

Aboriginal Tourism Certificate

Accommodation Management Certificate

Tour Coordinator Certificate

Tourism Supervisory Development Certificate