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Admission Requirements

Entry into the Accounting Technician Diploma program is on a competitive basis. All applicants must meet the following educational requirements to be considered for admittance:

  1. B.C. Grade 12 or mature student status
  2. B.C. Principles of Math 11 or equivalent with at least a C+


    B.C. Applications of Math 12


    Completion of MATH 051

    Completion of Math 12 is recommended

  3. 73% on the combined English 12 and Government Exam (within the last 5 years)


    Level 4 on the Composition Section of the LPI (within the last 2 years)


    Completion of ENGL 060 (within the last 2 years)


    Completion of CESL 053, 054 and 057 with a C+ or better

Those applicants who meet the requirements will be ranked based on:

  1. Mathematics Entrance Test or equivalent, 50%; and
  2. Language Proficiency Index or equivalent, 50%.

The top 36 applicants will be accepted into the program. These students are required to take a full course load unless they are granted exemptions or do not meet the prerequisites for a course. It is recommended that students have effective keyboarding skills and be familiar with the operation of a microcomputer prior to beginning the program.

See Also

Accounting Technician Diploma/Accounting Certificate


Program Coordinator

Program Description

Competitive Entry Procedure

Orientation Session


Course Requirements

Professional Accounting Designations

Bachelor of Business Administration Laddering

Part-Time Students

Course Descriptions