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Competitive Entry Procedure

Applicants who meet the educational requirements should take the Mathematics Entrance Test and the LPI as soon as possible. Contact the Assessment Centre (250-828-5470) to make arrangements to write these tests. It is the student's responsibility to supply a copy of the LPI test results to Admissions. If you have been out of school for a number of years, you are encouraged to review basic high school algebra prior to writing the Mathematics Entrance Test.

The Mathematics Entrance Test is not required, if the applicant has obtained a B- or better in Principles of MATH 11 or Applications of Math 12 or MATH 051 within the previous 5 years. Similarly, the applicant who has met one of the following will not be required to write the LPI test:

  1. 73% on the combined English 12 and Government Exam (within the previous 5 years); or
  2. Completion of ENGL 060 with a B or better; or
  3. Completion of CESL 057 and CESL 058 with grades of C+ or better.

Applicants will be credited with an equivalent mark for ranking purposes.

Students will be notified in writing in early June as to whether they have been accepted to the program.

See Also

Accounting Technician Diploma/Accounting Certificate


Program Coordinator

Program Description

Admission Requirements

Orientation Session


Course Requirements

Professional Accounting Designations

Bachelor of Business Administration Laddering

Part-Time Students

Course Descriptions